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Mega System Technologies Inc.
The following upgrade program is ONLY APPLICABLE to MegaTec's UPSilon2000 and RUPS2000 Version 3.x and above. If you are using version 2.x or earlier, kindly contact our Sales Personnel for a special upgrade price.
To upgrade either UPSilon2000 or RUPS2000, you have to follow these steps:
Make sure that the program is MegaTec standard UPSilon2000 / RUPS2000
Check to ensure that the version is 3.x or later.
DO NOT UNINSTALL your current UPSilon2000 / RUPS2000 software.
Unzip the upgrade file.
Go to the directory where the files are unzipped.
RUN UPSilon2000.exe / RUPS2000.exe
The program will verify the current version
Once verified, installation will begin.
RUN UPSilon2000 / RUPS2000.
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